Business Model
In the current state of development our Model is aimed in the purpose to receive Seed Capital structured on a lean company not based on valuation but simply on the final resources for development.
Sideways we have a Vesting Contract to enable the Seed Investors to sustain their position as Angel Investors on this new business that will be validated and ready for scaling.
In our first venture we are searching founds to finish the last details of this unique Design Electric Vehicle with special features and for alternative urban routes. A perfect MoPed that will offer a new way for urban mobility and delivery. Our MVP, The Greyhound has some important Intangible Assets held to receive this final apport and finish the launching company.
After that the MVP is going to be tested and analyzed by Institutes Specialized in Aircraft Development to improve the structure, format and improve Aerodynamic, Performance, Technology and Security.
In this sense, we intend to provide the more sustainable, efficient and secure vehicle, optimizing the use and and reducing accidents involving other vehicles.
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The Ace Motorbike